It's that time of year again and I am really looking forward to this popcorn season.  

Our overall Pack goal this year is $20,000. For our Scouts, we are asking that each Scout set a goal of at least $500 for them to attend the popcorn party. All methods of selling count towards your goal, so reaching these goals isn’t as hard as it sounds. Don’t deprive yourself from buying some great popcorn either! 

Why Do We Fundraise With Trail's End Popcorn?

This fundraiser directly helps our Scouts, Pack, district and Council! It helps our district and council by keeping Cub Scout camps such as Cub/parent weekends and day camp fees as low as possible. It helps our Pack by keeping our costs low/free to you whenever possible. It helps our Scouts to improve their communication, confidence, salesmanship, and responsibility. It gives them a sense of pride knowing that they are able to pay their own way and help their Pack thrive!

70% Goes to Local Scouting

Trail's End products offer an excellent return to their fundraiser. 70% goes back to local Scouting! While that leads to a more expensive product than your typical Girl Scout cookies, the product is gourmet popcorn in exciting flavors and our customers love it!

Remind potential customers when they comment about the high price of the product that 70% goes to local Scouting: many times that will help in getting a sale.  

Cash Donations!

Our Pack keeps 100% of all cash donations that are given to us. Some friends and family do not want any popcorn, but want to support your activities. Let them know that donations are appreciated and go towards having bigger and better events for our families for free or at a reduced price.

Cash donations are only counted towards Pack prizes.

For those of you that missed the popcorn kick off meeting on Wed, Aug 16th here is the presentation that I went over with everyone.  

I have take home order forms, door hangers and a fun bingo game to pass out to you, so send me a text and we can arrange for pick up. 650-773-1133


Trail's End Prizes Earn points as you sell popcorn to get an Amazon e-gift card! Get 1 point for each $1 of product sold by cash, 1.25 points per $1 if you sell via credit/debit card or online direct. Scouts get to pick the prize that they want, and the more they sell, the more they earn!

Popcorn Party  If your scout sells $500 in popcorn sales this popcorn season, they will get a ticket to MB2 on January 27th 2024 for our popcorn party.  Siblings (not cubscouts) may attend for $30. This gets them pizza, drinks, 2 hour unlimited play including golf and go carts.

Bingo Cards Get 5 vertical, horizontal or diagonal and bring the card with you to the next pack meeting and your scout will earn a prize!