What is the difference between a Den and a Pack?
A Den is a small group of Scouts that are in the same grade at school and are all working toward the same rank:
Kindergarten – Lion Rank
1st grade – Tiger Rank
2nd grade – Wolf Rank
3rd grade – Bear Rank
4th grade – Webelos Rank
5th grade – Arrow of Light
A Pack is the collection of all Dens affiliated with a single Charter Organization.
A Charter Organization is the organization that sponsors the Pack and its Dens. Pack 527’s Charter Organization is the American Legion Post 107, Santa Clarita, CA.
Who can join a Cub Scout Pack?
Our Pack is open to any boy in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Typically our members come from the north Valencia/west Saugus area but we are open to boys from all over the Santa Clarita Valley.
Will my child go camping and do outdoor activities?
Yes, each Rank requires your Scout to participate in some outdoor activities (although camping is not specifically required). We offer many outdoor and overnight activities including:
Our unique hiking and biking programs
Weekend and overnight Pack family campouts three times a year
Other outdoor events and outings
Pack participation in council and district family camping events
Pack participation in our District's Cub Scout Day Camp in the summer and Cub Cup in the spring
When we camp outside, our members are expected to provide their own tents for overnight camping. (Some camping gear may be available to borrow upon request.)
I’m interested in joining Pack 527. How can I sign my child up?
You can start your son's Scouting Adventure by filling out the interest form on our JOIN page. Our Pack welcoming team will reach out to you!
I missed the annual signup night, can my son still join Pack 527?
Absolutely! We accept new members year-round. Just head over to our JOIN page to start the application process. You’ll receive an email with detailed instructions completing the required paperwork. Your Scout’s Den Leader will work with you to complete the requirements your Scout needs to complete to earn their rank.
How many times will we meet each month?
You should expect to be invited to 2 or 3 Cub Scout meetings every month:
Our Dens meet 2 to 3 times each month to work with other Scouts in their grade to complete adventures and work towards their rank requirements.
All of our Dens come together for monthly Pack meetings, and one or two other Pack outings and events every month. Pack Meetings are generally the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
How much does it cost to be a Scout?
Our Leaders work hard to keep the cost of our program low. The majority of our expenses are covered through our Annual Dues and our Popcorn sales. Pack 527 has one of the lowest annual dues cost in our area at just $215 for the 2023-2024 Scouting year! You will also need to purchase your Scout's uniform and rank-specific handbook. Additional costs may be incurred for optional Summer Camps, Activities and Outings. There is also one time new member fee of $25.
How much does a uniform cost?
When you first join Cub Scouts, you will need to purchase a Class A Uniform and Hat. You may check out the Online Store to get an idea of the cost.
Annual Costs
Annual dues for Pack 527 are just $215 as renewing or $240 as a new member for the June 2023 - May 2024. This covers dues to the BSA national organization, our local council (Western Los Angeles Council), and annual subscription to the fantastic Boys’ Life magazine.
Pack annual dues cover the bare minimum expenses it takes to run a Pack. To supplement this, our Pack takes part in the BSA's annual popcorn fundraiser. Pack 527 dues cover:
Your Scout’s first Pack activity t-shirt
Supplies and venue costs for all of our Den and Pack meetings
Scout registration costs for most of our campouts and other outings
Pins, belt loops, patches and other Scout awards to recognize our Scouts' achievements
Annual dues for current Scouts are paid in June of each year as Pack 527 is required to turn in its annual recharter at the end of the Fall, and pay the national registration fees for the next year at that time. We need to be sure we know who is continuing with the program, and ensure we have the funds to cover the national fee.
New Scout Registration
Our Cub Scouting program follows the school calendar year, starting in June and ending in May, with most new Cub Scouts registering between June and September.
There is a one time joining fee of $25 and, for any new scouts registering mid-year, the Pack will pro-rate dues based on the date of registration.
Once dues are paid, each scout will receive their pack t-shirt.
What should my Scout wear to a Den / Pack meeting?
Scouts should wear their Class A Field Uniforms to all Pack and Den events unless otherwise instructed in the event invitation. This includes:
The Blue Scout Uniform shirt (or Lion t-shirt)
Uniform belt with completed adventure loops
Rank-specific neckerchief and slide
Appropriate pants, jeans, or shorts that complement their uniform shirt
For Pack and Den events where the Scouts will be more active (i.e hikes, camping), Scouts will be instructed to wear their Class B Activity Uniforms or activity appropriate clothing. This includes:
Class B Uniform t-shirt provided by the Pack
Appropriate pants, jeans, or shorts for the activity
Scouts should always be prepared and dress appropriately for the weather. Consider wearing a long sleeve t-shirt under you Class A uniform for cold days or a jacket.